Do you desire to get a healthy growth for your Poultry, Fishing and Agricultural Farming???
We've got the right product just for you.
Super Gro (The Wonder Drop) acts as both an adjuvant and a surfactant.
On one hand, adjuvant is an agent designed to aid in substances’ action. On the other hand, surfactants are wetting agents
It may seem contradictory, but water does not always “wet” plants and their roots very well. Thus, often it tends to beat up on the waxy surfaces of plants, lawns and gardens, and before water even has a chance to penetrate, it runs off or evaporates.
Super Gro helps make water “wetter” by reducing its surface tension in addition to acting as a wetting agent.
Super Gro helps conserve water. It tends to increase the rate at which water penetrates common soils.
As a surfactant, Super Gro acts as an emulsifier to disperse oils, as a wetting agent to lower surface tension and as a dispersing agent to reduce adhesion between particles of chemicals, so they will spread and remain in solution longer.
More water reaches the roots of the plant and stays there making the plant grow in lesser time!
Super Gro makes other agricultural treatments a farmer uses (like fertilizer, insecticides and pesticides), perform better by helping them penetrate deeper, stick better, stay longer and work more effectively.
On one hand, adjuvant is an agent designed to aid in substances’ action. On the other hand, surfactants are wetting agents
It may seem contradictory, but water does not always “wet” plants and their roots very well. Thus, often it tends to beat up on the waxy surfaces of plants, lawns and gardens, and before water even has a chance to penetrate, it runs off or evaporates.
Super Gro helps make water “wetter” by reducing its surface tension in addition to acting as a wetting agent.
Super Gro helps conserve water. It tends to increase the rate at which water penetrates common soils.
As a surfactant, Super Gro acts as an emulsifier to disperse oils, as a wetting agent to lower surface tension and as a dispersing agent to reduce adhesion between particles of chemicals, so they will spread and remain in solution longer.
More water reaches the roots of the plant and stays there making the plant grow in lesser time!
Super Gro makes other agricultural treatments a farmer uses (like fertilizer, insecticides and pesticides), perform better by helping them penetrate deeper, stick better, stay longer and work more effectively.
How to use Super Gro for Crops
Vegetables, peppers, tomato, onions, yam, cocoyam, soya beans, groundnut, etc.Add 1ml of Super Gro to 1 liter of water. Agitate gently and spray on the leaves and stem of the plant.Apply every week, two weeks, three weeks or monthly before flowering.
Add 20ml of Super Gro to 20 litres of water to spray 1/4 acre of land.
Add 200ml of Super Gro to 250 litres of water to spray 1 hectare of land.
Other Things to Note...
After spraying crops with Super Gro, you may see white dots on the plant early in the morning. Do not touch it or worry about it. It attaches solar energy to the plant.
Plant your crops in ridges to have a narrow site to walk and spray.
After the first spray, spray again with Super Gro every 3 weeks.
If you use chemicals to weed your farm, allow the effect of the chemical to wear out first before applying Super Gro i.e. apply Super Gro after four days of using weeding chemicals.
If you weed manually with cutlass, pack your weeds and use Super Gro the next day.
If you farm in Northern Nigeria where the weather is hot, when the sun is up, do not spray Super Gro on the plants because Super Gro has its own internal solar strength
How To Use Super Gro For Tree & Cash Crops
Mango, orange, oil palm, kolanut, pineapple, rubber, cocoa, etc.
Add 1ml of Super Gro to 1litre of water. Agitate gently and spray on the leaves and stem of the plant.
Apply every week, two weeks, three weeks or monthly before flowering.
Add 20ml of Super Gro to 20 litres of water to spray 1/4 acre of the lawn.
Add 200ml of Super Gro to 250 litres of water to spray 1 hectare of the lawn.
Other Things to Note
For tree crops, a boom sprayer is the best for applying Super Gro. The pressure from a boom sprayer gets more Super Gro onto the crop.
If you do not have a boom sprayer, use a watering can but make sure the mouth of the can is not too wide so that your product will not waste.
Do try and get a boom sprayer, it is more economical
Super Gro for Poultry Farming
It prevents the chickens from fowl pox and cholera.It prevents the chickens from cold and quail diseases.
It prevents the chickens from pneumoencephalitis {new castle}.
It promotes uniform growth of the chickens and prevent foul odor.
It prevents the chickens from FLU {fowl plague}.
It prevents them from swollen head.
It prevents the chickens from epidemic tremor.
It prevents them from EGG DROP SYNDROME {EDS}.
It also prevents them from LICE AND MITES.
How To Use Super Gro For Fish Farming.
Catfish, etc. Concrete or mud ponds are most preferable. Fill the pond with water.Estimate the amount of water in the pond and add 1ml of Super Gro for every 10litres of water in the
pond and agitate gently.
Leave this treated water for 7 to 10days to fertilize the pond then flush away the treated water.
Put fresh water and leave in the pond for 5 to 7 days then stock your fish.
Super Gro is very cost effective.
You only need 1ml of Super Gro for every 10 litres of water you use in your fish pond.
Super Gro promotes the uniform growth of fish. Your fish become bigger and the same size.
Super Gro naturally promotes the growth of plankton inside the pond and this not only prevents the death of fish, it prevents the fish from feeding each other.
Super Gro also reduces how often you need to change the water in your fish pond because it increases the amount of oxygen dissolving in the pond, reduces ammonia level and maintains the natural water PH in the pond.
Super Gro can be used in plastic, mud or concrete ponds.
How To Use Super Gro For Gardening; Indoor Plants & Lawns.
Add 20ml of Super Gro to 20 litres of water to spray 1/4 acre of land.Add 200ml of Super Gro to 250 litres of water to spray 1 hectare of land.
This same solution will also work for garden and indoor plants.
Spray on leaves and stems (as in crop plants).
Super Gro can also be used for indoor plants, flower gardens and lawns.
Flowers tended with Super Gro bloom faster, are richer, fresher and more appealing to the eyes. They
also do not die quickly because they conserve water on their leaves, stems and roots.
Indoor plants treated with Super Gro last longer in their vases or flower pots.
Lawns nurtured with Super Gro have greener grass and appear richer and more luxurious.
When used together with Super 10 (a natural insect repellent), will decrease pests in flowers.
In one experiment, red spider infestation of roses was decreased by 43%.
When used with fungicides, Super Gro will reduce early blight in flowers.
Powdery mildew in roses was reduced by as much as 35% when Super Gro was used along with crop
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